MATLAB: Can’t open matlabpool

Parallel Computing Toolbox

It used to work, but now if I type matlabpool(10) it fails. The error (can't paste it, on another network) says:
Failed to open matlabpool. (…) Caused by: Error using distcomp.interactiveclient.start (line 64) Failed to locate and destroy old interactive jobs. Error using parallel.internal.customattr.CustomGetSet/get (line 32) The following error occurred while retrieving the name of process 27062: couldn't find process 27062
Any ideas? I'm dead in the water. Restarting matlab didn't help. This is a network linux machine so I can't just reboot it. I don't think I have use parallel toolbox since the machine was reboot though.

Best Answer

matlabpool close force
cleans up the old jobs and allows you to start it up again.