MATLAB: Can’t multiply matrices

MATLABmatrixmatrix manipulation

Hi, I'm trying to multiply two matrices – a two by two and two by one – and it gives me the error message – ??? Array dimensions must match for binary array op. I can't see why this is not allowed?
Here's my code: –
S = 0.000043;
l = 0.03;
f = (linspace(20,14840,14821))';
c = 345;
ABCD(1,1,:) = cos((l/c)*2*pi*f);
ABCD(1,2,:) = 1i*(415/S)*sin((l/c)*2*pi*f);
ABCD(2,1,:) = 1i/(415/S)*sin((l/c)*2*pi*f);
ABCD(2,2,:) = cos((l/c)*2*pi*f);
p_AT = ones(length(f),1);
u_AT = 3*10^-15;
U_AT = (ones(length(f),1))*(u_AT/S);
Z_AT(1,1,:) = p_AT;
Z_AT(2,1,:) = U_AT;
Z_A0 = ABCD.*Z_AT;

Best Answer

Please try to use the debugger. It is generally more efficient than to have us debug your code remotely and might save you a lot of time in the future. In this case it is not working because ABCD and Z_AT don't have the same size and you are attempting element by element multiplication of their values.