MATLAB: Can’t load .mat file: [Matlab ver: (R14)], [.mat hdr: MATLAB 7.0 MAT-file, Platform: MACI ]

.mat fileloadmatMATLAB

could someone tell me – is there any way to load/convert to loadable within my current ML ver ?
Regards, Andrey
— Matlab ver: (R14)
— Full .mat file header:
MATLAB 7.0 MAT-file, Platform: MACI, Created on: Sat Aug 30 20:16:18 2008 HDF5 schema 0.05
— OS: Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
— Error:
Unable to read MAT-file {long path here}\humbles.mat: not a binary MAT-file.
— .mat file URL (zip):

Best Answer

I have multiple versions of Matlab so I tried your file.
In Matlab R14SP3, I can't load the humbles.mat. The error messages seem to be same as yours. This is a surprise because the Matlab in R14SP3 is V7.1, later than the Matlab version specified in the .mat file.
In Matlab R2010b, I can load the file without problem. I saved it as humbles1.mat. Then I can load humbles1.mat in R14SP3 without a problem.
I guess this is the hassle you have to deal with whey you have earlier versions of Matlab and its instable .mat file format.
If you don't have late version of Matlab, I suggest you go to the Mathworks website and download a trial version of their software and then do a load and save to solve the problem.