MATLAB: Cant install toolboxes to MATLAB

toolbox apps

I'm able to download a wide range of toolboxes from my account on Mathsworks, but I can't seem to install any of them; there is no installer in the package download. Knowing matlab this won't be a simple case of copy and paste in the correct folder directory of the software (i'm assuming) any help?
I'm running R2013b on a Mac, just managed to install MATLAB but realised I have none of the apps I need, namely, curve fitting tool/app

Best Answer

You need to download the toolbox .zip files as .zip files into the directory that was created when you unzip'd the main installer. Then, with the .zip files intact, start up the installer.
The script launched from the installer web page, the one that is supposed to work for the Mac, is more or less crud if you are not using Safari, and even then you have to have specifically configured Safari to know how to deal with those kinds of files. Skipping the script and downloading everything is much easier once you know the trick that the first is to be unzipped and the others are to be put in .zip form in the resulting directory.