MATLAB: Can’t I see the top legend on a Financial Time Series plot created by FTSGUI

Financial Time Series Toolboxfintsftsguilegendplot

Why can't I see the top legend on a Financial Time Series plot created by FTSGUI?
Upon loading a Financial Time Series through FTSGUI, the legend for the top plot which contains opening, closing, high, and low information is not visible. The legend for the bottom plot which contains volume information is visible.
This problem is caused by the creation of the axes children in the first figure window for a particular time series. Specifically, the legend is created, but is hidden behind the top axis.
This problem only occurs in the first displayed window for the time series; others have their legends displayed properly.

Best Answer

This problem has been fixed in Financial Time Series Toolbox 2.0 (R13).
If you are using a previous version, please read the following:
This problem is caused by incorrectly making the axes current in the fints overloaded method for the PLOT function.
To correct the problem:
1. Type 'edit fints/plot' at the MATLAB prompt. This should open it up in the Editor.
2. Change lines 104 and 164 to:
set(gcf, 'currentaxes', hsub1);
This will display the legend properly.