MATLAB: Can’t I plot the two-variable symbolic expression using fsurf

fsurfinfinite square wellMATLABquantum

I'm attempting to solve and plot a 1D Time-Dependent Schrodinger equation (TDSE) for an infinite square well symbolically using MATLAB. (I've been away from quantum mechanics and MATLAB for years, so please forgive my ignorance.) I am able to solve the equation correctly, but I can't seem to get fsurf to work. Here is my code:
clc; close all;
syms x m a hbar pi n A t
n = 2;
psi = sym(zeros(n,1));
c = sym(zeros(n,n));
E = sym(zeros(n,1));
Psi = sym(zeros(n,1));
for i = 1:n
psi(i) = sqrt(2/a)*sin(i*pi*x/a); %infinite square well wavefunction
Psi0 = A*psi;
A = abs(solve(int(Psi0'*Psi0,x,[0 a])==1,A)); %solves for normalization constant
A = double(A(1)); %changes the symbolic A into a numerical A
Psi0 = A*psi; %redefines the initial wavefunction w/numeric A
%The below loop acts as the kronecker delta function
for i = 1:n
E(i) = (n^2*pi^2*hbar^2)/(2*m*a^2); %possible energy states
for j = 1:n
if i~=j
c(i,j) = 0;
c(i,j) = psi(i)*Psi0(j);
c = sym(int(sum(c),x,[0 a]))'; %spits out the expansion coefficients
for i = 1:n
Psi(i) = c(i)*psi(i)*exp(-1i*E(i)/hbar*t);
Psi = sym(sum(Psi)); %the most general solution to the TDSE
%values for substitution
m_elec = 9.10938356*10^-31; %mass of electron
a_ = 10^-10; %angstrom
hbar_ = 1.0545718*10^-34;
pi_ = 3.14159265359;
t_ = [0:0.1:100]';
x_ = [0:a_/(10^3):a_]';
Psi = subs(Psi,{m a hbar pi},{m_elec a_ hbar_ pi_});
% Psi = vectorize(Psi)
fsurf(@(x,t) Psi,[0 2*a_ 0 2*0 a_])
The error I get is as follows:
Warning: Function behaves unexpectedly on array
inputs. To improve performance, properly vectorize
your function to return an output with the same
size and shape as the input arguments.
> In>getFunction
In fsurf>singleFsurf (line 261)
In fsurf>@(f)singleFsurf(cax,{f},extraOpts,args) (line 227)
In fsurf>vectorizeFsurf (line 227)
In fsurf (line 200)
In Infinite_Square_Well (line 53)
Warning: Error updating FunctionSurface.
The following error was reported evaluating the
function in FunctionLine update: Unable to
convert expression into double array.
I've been working on this for hours, but I can't seem to figure out what to do. I want to generate a 3D plot of Psi(x,t). Also, if you know of a way to keep all my symbols (such as a, hbar, pi, etc) in the equation without substituting numbers in, I would appreciate help with that too.

Best Answer

f = matlabFunction(Psi, 'vars', [x t]);
fsurf(f, [0 2*a_ 2*0 a_])
However, this will produce an error about index exceeding matrix dimensions. I suspect that has to do with the quite small range of values you are plotting only, in the range of 10^-10 . If you increase that range then the error about matrix dimensions goes away.
The plot that is produced will be empty. That is because the values of the function are complex valued and fsurf() only plots real-valued locations
If you
f = matlabFunction(imag(Psi), 'vars', [x t]);
fsurf(f, [0 1e-8 0 1e-8])
then unfortunately that takes rather long. You would probably be better off using meshgrid() or ndgrid() to create a mesh of locations and evaluate f at those locations.