MATLAB: Can’t I find the model I need in the simulink?How to get the demo

chopper-fed dc motor drivedemoh. le-huySimscape Electricalsimulink

My version is R2018a-academic.
My homework is anlysis the demo "Chopper-Fed DC Motor Drive".The teacher told the reference path is : demo/simulink/simpowersystem/Power Electroics Models/Chopper-Fed DC Motor Drive.
In fact,I search the key words "Chopper DC".I only find 1,2,4-quadrant chopper dc motor.It isn't what i need.
This demo is created by H. Le-Huy (Universite Laval, Quebec) and G. Sybille (Hydro-Quebec)
The demo I need is in the image
I get this picture from : Page:42
So how can i get this demo.

Best Answer

R2016b was the last version of the Simscape Power Systems toolbox that includes the model you are looking for ( power_dcdrive_disc ). You can see it listed here:
To get this model you will have to use R2016, and can open it by typing power_dcdrive_disc in the command window.