MATLAB: Can’t I access the AppData property of a GUI created in GUIDE in MATLAB 8.1 (R2013a)


Within GUIDE, I cannot see the 'ApplicationData' property of the main figure, and I would like to change this data but don't know how.

Best Answer

'AppData' is not a property of the figure per se. Although the following documentation page uses the term "property" to describe 'AppData', it is not a figure property that can be accessed using the SET and GET functions.
To accesss the application data of a GUIDE-built GUI named foo, one would create an instance of the figure and call GETAPPDATA to get the application-defined data. for example:
>> h = foo;
>> values = getappdata(h)
ans =
GUIDEOptions: [1x1 struct]
lastValidTag: 'figure1'
ctb200jaz: [1x1 graphics.internal.CameraToolBarManager]
SavedVisible: 'on'
UsedByGUIData_m: [1x1 struct]
GUIOnScreen: 1
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