MATLAB: Can’t get windowButtonMotionFcn to work

matlab guiwindowbuttondownfcn

This is my first time working on matlab gui and to be honest I don't know what I'm doing. Hopefully I can provide enough information to solve this. Below are the relevant parts of my program.
classdef title < handle
% code
function obj = title(dirname)
% code
figH = figure(...
'WindowButtonMotionFcn' , @mouse);
function mouse(obj, hObj, varargin);
obj_han = get(hObj, 'currentpoint');
set(obj.handles.cursorX, 'String', num2str(obj_han(1)));
set(obj.handles.cursorY, 'String', num2str(obj_han(2)));
"Undefined function 'mouse' for input arguments of type 'matlab.ui.Figure'. Error while evaluating Figure WindowButtonMotionFcn"
If I leave the code of 'mouse' unchanged but change the function to:
function mouse(hObj, varargin);
and define it within function obj = title(dirname), then it works until a call to mouseButtonDwn (which executes changing WindowButtonMotionFcn to a different function, then resets WindowButtonMotionFcn to @mouse). After this the error is the same as the above.
What can I do here?

Best Answer

You need to use @obj.mouse in your call to create the figure because the function is part of your class and so needs to have the object scope.
After that I assume 'handles' exists as a structure in your class. When I run the small snippet above with the corrected syntax obviously I get an error that 'handles' does not exist, but I imagine that is just because you have only included the bits of your class relevant to the problem.