MATLAB: Can’t get “collect” to extract the determinant of the inverse of a symbolic matrix.

collectsymbolic manipulation

I often invert complex symbolic matrices and end up with an impossibly complex result because matlab divides each term in the inverse by the determinant of the matrix. I'd like to extract the determinant as a common factor, but collect doesn't seem to work. For example, consider
syms a b c d
myMatrix = [a,b;c,d];
myInv = inv(myMatrix);
This returns
[ d/(a*d - b*c), -b/(a*d - b*c)]
[ -c/(a*d - b*c), a/(a*d - b*c)]
None of the commands invoked by "simple" do anything to the matrix. I'd like to find something that would return:
[ d,-b;-c,a]/(a*d-b*c)

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