MATLAB: Can’t find the MATLAB error

errorunexpected matlab expression

Could someone please help me with this?
Error: File: work.m Line: 28 Column: 5
waketime = (diary.wakeTimes – floor(diary.wakeTimes)).*24;
fprintf(' Max Min Mean Median STD AAD MAD\n'); fprintf('Wake up time hours: %8.1f % 8.1f % 8.1f % 8.1f % 8.1f % 8.1f % 8.1f\n' … max(waketime(:)), min(waketime(:)), mean(waketime(:)), median(waketime(:)), std(waketime(:)), mad(waketime, 1), mad(wakeup, 0));
I get "unexpected parenthesis/bracket" but I can't find what's wrong. Please help, I'd really very much appreciate it!

Best Answer

There should be a comma between \n' and max(waketime(:)).