MATLAB: Can’t convert primitive image to unit8

imageimage processingMATLAB

Hey guys so I'm trying to post process an image that matlab retrieved from google maps without saving it as a png or something and reimporting it, however whenever I try to do anything to it, an error is thrown that says incorrect type so I tried converting it to a uint8 and im still getting the same error could somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong? If anyone is curious I got 'get_google_map' from here:
lat = 38.363506; lon = -85.923929; zoomlevel = 17;
[XX, YY, M, Mcolor] = get_google_map(lat, lon);
imag = imagesc(XX,YY,M);
shading flat;
whos imag
xlabel('Eastings UTM')
ylabel('Northings UTM')
title([num2str(lat) '°N ' num2str(lon) '°W'])
I = im2uint8(imag);

Best Answer

When you do
imag = imagesc(XX,YY,M);
then imag becomes a handle to the image() object that is being displayed.
What you should be doing in this particular situation is just
I = uint8(M);
If you want the color version of the map then
I = ind2rgb(M,Mcolor);
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