MATLAB: Cannot setappdata to GUIHandles


Matlab wiki claims this exists but I cannot set or save anything to GUIHandle I tried GUIHANDLES and that didn't work either. DOes anyone know what handles are the best to pass variables in and out of functions? I don't want to use global variables
Here is what I tried below
% Do this to save variables to your figure's workspace.
% handles.GUIHandle is the "Tag" property of your main GUI figure.
% Double-click figure to bring up the "Property Inspector" in GUIDE.
setappdata(handles.GUIHandle, 'yourVariable', yourVariable)
% Do this to retrieve variables from your figure's workspace.
yourVariable = getappdata(handles.GUIHandle , 'yourVariable')
% Do this to remove what you saved from your figure's workspace.
rmappdata(handles.GUIHandle, 'yourVariable')

Best Answer

At the place that GUIHandle appears, you need to use the same name as you set for the Tag property of your figure.
Like the comment says above, "Double-click figure to bring up the "Property Inspector" in GUIDE." You can set the Tag property from there.