MATLAB: Cannot read in times from excel spreadsheet and datenum is off by at least 10 seconds


Hi all,
I have an excel spreadsheet with columns of various times (time 1, time 2, minutes between time 1 and 2, time 3, time 4, minutes between time 4 and time 1).
The times are all of the form HH:mm:ss and the minutes are either something like 00:7:30 or 7.5 (different between the two columns).
I'm using readtable but when I look at what has been read, my times have been converted to what I thought was a datenum? (For example, the time 7:58:20 came in a 0.3323 (which when converted becomes 7:58:30 in MATLAB)).
How can I read in my excel spreadsheet and keep all of my times in their original format?
Thank you,
Attached is an example spreadsheet

Best Answer

Below code worked for me.
after conversion values are as in excel.
A = readtable('C:\Users\Desktop\Example.xlsx');
naTest = datetime(A.ATime,'ConvertFrom','excel', 'Format','HH:mm:ss');
Also we can import using xlsread and can convert all the columns at once. It may be helpful for you.
[a , ~, ~]= xlsread('C:\Users\Desktop\Example.xlsx');
naTest = datetime(a,'ConvertFrom','excel', 'Format','HH:mm:ss');