MATLAB: Cannot plot in GUI axes, the figure pop up


I want to plot five figures in five axes of GUI, the three of them can show in the GUI, but the last two pop up and show in new windows.
axes(handles.axes1) miraudio(filename)
axes(handles.axes2) mirspectrum(filename,'cents')
axes(handles.axes3) mirspectrum(filename, 'Frame')
axes(handles.axes4) mirbrightness(filename,'Frame')
axes(handles.axes5) mirpitch(filename,'Frame')

Best Answer

I guess (a bad idea, better explain this), that you use the FEX: mirtoolbox.
Either use the debugger to step throught the code until you find out, where the additional figure is created. Then modify the code. Or ask the author of this toolbox how to prevent this.