MATLAB: Cannot install real time window target

realtime window targetSimulink Desktop Real-Time

Hi everyone, I used window vista in my laptop.after installation setup done, I try to setup real time window target in command window but it'd errors like this:
>>rtwintgt -setup
You are going to install the Real-Time Windows Target kernel.
Mex file entry point is missing. Please check the (case-sensitive)
spelling of mexFunction (for C MEX-files), or the (case-insensitive)
spelling of MEXFUNCTION (for FORTRAN MEX-files).
Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Windows\system32\input.dll': C:\Windows\system32\ver.dll is not
a valid Win32 application.
Error in rtwintgt>YesNoDialog (line 309)
yesno = input(sprintf('%s [%s] : ', promptmsg, lower(default(1))), 's');
Error in rtwintgt>rtwt_setup (line 106)
if ~YesNoDialog(prompt, infomsg, promptmsg, default)
Error in rtwintgt (line 65)
retval = feval(subfn, prompt);
can someone tell me what shud I do?many thanks

Best Answer

Are you running the command from C:\Windows\system32? If yes, you need to switch to a different directory. See this solution for more information.