MATLAB: Cannot I fully run this code in exe

exemccsymuser interface

E = 1.5*(10.^9);
A = 0.00017;
prompt = {'Enter the value of F1: '};
title = 'F1';
answer = inputdlg(prompt,title);
F1 = str2num(answer{1});
prompta = {'Enter the angle: '};
titlea = 'Angle';
answera = inputdlg(prompta,titlea);
theta = str2num(answera{1});
x = sym('x');
f1 = (4*E*A*sin(x)*tan(x)*cos(theta)-F1);
angdsp1 = vpasolve(f1,x,[0 45]);
a = double(angdsp1);
msgbox(['The value of a is: ',num2str(a)],'Results')
This code is working absilutely fine in matlab. I wrote the code mcc -m filename.m and converted into exe. But i cannot run it. it is showing undefined function 'sym' for input arguments of type 'char'. What to do? Please help.

Best Answer

It is not possible to compile functions from Symbolic Toolbox. See this answer: