MATLAB: Cannot find error in the sort function


So my code is supposed to work so for an input array, findSortedMatches sorts the array and looks for rows that didn’t move. It returns the number of rows that didn’t move (matches) and an array of the rows that didn’t move (matched rows).
function [matches, matched_rows] = findSortedMatches(score)
score = [N,2];
matches = 0;
matched_rows = [];
[~, sorted] = sortdata(score);
next_unsorted = make_nextRow(score,1);
next_sorted = make_nextRow(sortdata,1);
for i = 1:size(score,2)
unsorted = next_unsorted;
if all(unsorted==next_sorted)
next_sorted() matches unsorted
matches = matches + 1;
matched_rows = [matched_rows; unsorted];
function [data_sortbyscore, bestscore_id] = sortdata( score )
[~, idx] = sort(score(:, 2));
data_sortbyscore = score(idx, :);
bestscore_id = data_sortbyscore(end, 1);
Test Case and Expected Answers
>> scores = [20,90;13,56;3,67;10,78;2,54];
>> [num_matches, row_matches] = findSortedMatches(scores)
num_matches =
row_matches =
13 56
3 67
10 78
>> array = [2 34; 5 67];
>> [num_matches, matched_rows]=findSortedMatches(array)
num_matches =
matched_rows =
2 34
5 67
>> array = [5 67; 2 34];
>> [num_matches, matched_rows]=findSortedMatches(array)
num_matches =
matched_rows =

Best Answer

There is no way you are calling the function you post without getting errors. For one thing, you reference a variable N on the first line that does not exist in that function. On that same line you destroy the input argument so that no matter what you pass in the function should return the same result. Next, you have what is apparently and uncommented comment
next_sorted() matches unsorted
in the IF statement that will cause an error.
So what function really produced those results?