MATLAB: Cannot communicate over UDP between Raspberry PI and Simulink using Real-Time UDP Configuration block.

simulinkTarget Support Package

I have a camera that is connected to a Raspberry Pi which is in turn connected to the Internet.
My Desktop machine has no Wi-Fi adaptor. I have a USB adaptor which becomes the access point to connect to my Raspberry Pi.
My goal is to be able to stream video live on Simulink and display the stream using the "To Video Display" block.
I would like to use the UDP protocol to establish the communication between the board and Simulink. I am not able to configure the "Real-time UDP Configuration" block to make this communication possible.

Best Answer

Real-Time blocks are intended to be used with real time hardware and/or real time systems.
Instead of using the Real-time UDP Configuration block, it is recommended to use the "UDP Send" and "UDP Receive" blocks to transmit data between Simulink and Raspberry Pi.
Please refer to the following links for additional information: