MATLAB: Cannot calculate gradient of contour plot


Hi all,
I am currently attempting to draw a quiver plot on top of a contour plot, such that I can see the gradient of the contour function. However for some reason the gradient calculation does not take place correctly as all the quivers are far from being perpendicuar to the contours. This suprises me as the task itself is pretty simple and I have managed to accomplish it with mock data, see here:
clear ; clc
% Grid matrices

x = -2:0.25:2;
y = x;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x);
% Function Matrix

F = X.*exp(-X.^2-Y.^2);
% Calculate Gradient

[FU, FV] = gradient(F, diff(x(1:2))) ;
% Plot

hold on
contour(X, Y, F)
quiver(X, Y, FU, FV)
However, using my own data (you can find them attached its a simple 30×30 matrix), the same process does not seem to accomplish the task:
clear ; clc
% Grid matrices
x = linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 30) ;
y = linspace(8, 12, 30) ;
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y) ;
% Function Matrix
% Calculate Gradient
[FU, FV] = gradient(F, diff(x(1:2)), diff(y(1:2))) ;
% Plot
hold on
contour(X, Y, F)
quiver(X, Y, FU, FV)
The weird thing is that the countour plot gets generated correctly, however something is off with the quiver. Even when I scale down the quiver vectors to say 0.2, they don't have the correct orientation relative to the contours.
Thanks for your help in advance

Best Answer

If you modify your call to gradient to:
[FU, FV] = gradient(F, diff(y(1:2)), diff(x(1:2)));
You get a more reasonable set of quivers:
contour(X, Y, F)
hold on
quiver(X(1:2:end,1:2:end), Y(1:2:end,1:2:end), FU(1:2:end,1:2:end)/2, FV(1:2:end,1:2:end)/2,0)
The zero is to turn off the automatic scaling in quiver.