MATLAB: Can you optimize this row matching code


Hi everyone,
I have a huge matrix on which I need to do some matching operation. Here's the code I have written and it works fine, but I think there is some room to make it more optimized or write another code that does the matching in less time. Could you please help me with that?
rowsMatched = find(bigMatrix(:, 1) == matchingRow(1, 1) & bigMatrix(:, 2) == matchingRow(1, 2) & bigMatrix(:, 3) == matchingRow(1, 3))
The problem with this code is that I cannot use the && operand. So, in case one of the columns do not match the program still checks the next condition. How do you think I can avoid this?
Thank you

Best Answer

Here's the solution:
rowsMatched = find(all(bsxfun(@eq, bigMatrix, matchingRow),2))