MATLAB: Can you index matrices

indexing matrices

Suppose I have a (n x p) matrix M. Can a "for" loop be written to partition M into a set of smaller matrices A_i where A_1 = the first r_1 rows of M, A_2 = the next r_2 rows of M, A_3 = the next r_3 rows of M,………, A_k = the last r_k rows of M where k<=n ?
I know I can index into M easily with A(i,j) being the element corresponding to the i'th row and j'th column of M. What I want to do is "pull out'' matrices from M: A_1, A_2, A_3, …. , A_k as described above. I don't want to define each matrix manually however as I would have to define thousands of sub matrices A_i !
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

The following:
M(5:8, 3:7)
is an array that corresponds to the block defined by rows 5 to 8 of M and columns 3 to 7. As these ranges can be defined by vectors/arrays content, you can build flexible solutions for block-indexing M.
rIds = ... ; % rIds and cIds could be defined as a function of a loop
cIds = ... ; % index variable, e.g. based on vectors of block
% boundaries in terms of row IDs and column IDs:
% rIds = rBoundaries(ii):rBoundaries(ii+1) ; ..
block = M(rIds, cIds) ;
If you wanted your blocks to be stored separately in a cell arrays, you could use the function mat2cell(). It would take M as a first arg and essentially the two vectors of block boundaries mentioned above as second/third args.