MATLAB: Can we change the name of an input neuron in neural netwrok

MATLABneural network

I want to change the name of all input neuron when designing a neural network

Best Answer

The quick answer is: YES
To understand how, consider the following:
Terminology correction:
The typical FFMLP has
1. 3 layers of nodes (input/hidden/output)
2. 2 layers of weights (input-to-hidden/hidden-to-output)
3. 2 layers of transfer functions AKA neurons (input-to-hidden/hidden-to-output)
4. It is called a two-layer ANN because of the two (hidden and output) neuron layers.
5. The input nodes are known as fan-in units and are not considered to be neurons.
So, there is no such thing as an input neuron!
I infer that you wish to change THE TYPE OF HIDDEN LAYER NEURONS!
If you enter
net = fitnet %No ending semicolon
you will obtain a list of network properties. Concentrate on the contents of the first 3 subobjects
%ans = [1x1 nnetInput]
%ans = [1x1 nnetLayer]
% [1x1 nnetLayer]
%ans = [ [] [1x1 nnetOutput]
Then, to extract components
ans1 = net.inputs{1}
ans2 = net.layers{1}
ans3 = net.layers{2}
ans4 = net.outputs{2}
layer1tranferFcn = net.layers{1}.transferFcn
layer2transferFcn = net.layers{2}.transferFcn
%layer1tranferFcn = tansig
%layer2transferFcn = purelin
The RHS of the 3rd and 4th equations from the end can be inverted to assign new types of neurons to either or both layers.
Hope this helps.
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