MATLAB: Can users pre-determine the legend location when utiliznig the gscatter function

gscatterlegend locationStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

I'm putting together an M-file where I include several group scatter plots. For unknown reasons, I'm unable to pre-determine the legend location (NorthEastOutside). I can determine the location after the plot is created by manually editing the figure properties.
Is this a limitation of the function?

Best Answer

The current answer is no.
Using the same example as above, the gscatter command will not allow the user to pre-position the legend. One workaround is to find the handle to the legend object and set the legend to the desired position.
load discrim figure, gscatter(ratings(:,1),ratings(:,2),group,'br','xo', [], 'on') % Find the handle to the legend object and set position l= findobj(gcf,'tag','legend'); set(l,'location','northeastoutside');
This answer provided by Amrita Anand (thanks).