MATLAB: Can u please tell me how to write the number of unique hues included in an in matlab

hue count

i have written a code
image = imread('filename');
figure, imshow(image);
hsv_image = rgb2hsv(image);
i = hsv_image(:,:,2)>0.2.* (hsv_image(:,:,3)>0.15 .* hsv_image(:,:,3)<0.95);
and further i would like to know how to do this in matlab.
Suppose Q is the maximum value of the histogram. Let the
hue count be the number of bins with values greater than c ⋅Q ,
q = maximum value in histogram
N = {i | H(i) > cq}
here C= 0.1.
plz help me……

Best Answer

I don't know what you're doing by calculating i. What's the point of that? To get the number of unique hues, you can use the unique() function.
hsv = rgb2hsv(rgbImage);
hueImage = hsv(:,:,1);
numberOfUniqueHues = unique(hueImage)