MATLAB: Can u give any suggestion how to get transfer function of this circuit???? which i attached here… as per the above steps i not able to attach PS-simulink converter… here DC input voltage is 12v and output of buck converter is around 6v with 50%

buck converter

can u give any suggestion how to get transfer function of this circuit???? which i attached here… as per the above steps i not able to attach PS-simulink converter… here DC input voltage is 12v and output of buck converter is around 6v with 50% duty cycle.. inductor of 1mH capacitor of 220uF and R is 10 ohm and i want transfer function from output to input ?

Best Answer

You can find the transfer function implementation of buck converter in the following link:
I made a simple model where you implement it in Simulink in s-domain. Hope this helps. Open the model and the parameters are automatically loaded( File->Model Properties->Callback->PreLoadFcn )
Just run the model and see the results in scope.
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