MATLAB: Can the R2017 Matlab editor display syntax error popups like R2009a

editorpopupssyntax error

I just updated from R2009a to R2017. With R2009a if I set a breakpoint in a function with a syntax error, and then tried to save the function, the editor would display a popup showing the exact line with the syntax error. With R2017 the debug circle will not change from grey to red, but editor does not identify the exact line of the syntax error. I know you can search the file for the red marking indicating a syntax error, but this can be difficult in a long file. Is there a way to get the R2017 editor to better identify syntax errors without having to run the code.

Best Answer

In the upper right corner of the editor, there is a rectangle that is green if there are no syntax errors or warnings, yellow if there are no syntax errors but there are warnings, and red if there are syntax errors. If you click on that box, you will be taken to the location of the next error or warning.
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