MATLAB: Can the background of “Text Area” be transparent

app designerguiMATLABtext areatransparent background

I am desiging a GUI and I want to ask (as shown in the following picture) how can I make the background of the "Text Area" transparent? so that the image in the background appears whole.
I tried using "Label" feature instead, it has a transparent background, but it doesn't have a scrollbar and I need a scrollbar.

Best Answer

With R2019b and using the uifigure rather than figure, there is a uihtml() element, which seems to have scroll by default (don't need to wrap in something that additionally sets CSS overflow property)
f = uifigure('Color','r');
h = uihtml(f);
cstr = arrayfun(@(d)sprintf('<p>line %d</p>',d),1:10,'uni',false)
h.HTMLSource = horzcat(cstr{:});