MATLAB: Can someone help me Create a function called that will automatically generate an array where the elements in the array are the sum of the indices? i am lost on this.


% Im not even sure if I am on the right path here but here is what i have started… any help would be greatly appreciated!!
function A = MagicArrayAdd(m,n)
m = magic(m)
n = magic(n)
A = ?

Best Answer

If I understand your description correctly, the magic( ) function has nothing to do with your assignment. You are simply asked to construct an m x n matrix where the (i,j) element has the value i+j. That's it, nothing else. So an outline:
function A = MagicArrayAdd(m,n)
A = ____; % <- you fill in the blank to create a matrix of size m x n
_____; % <-- you put code here to set A(i,j) to i+j for all the elements of A
Fill in the blanks above.
To create the matrix, you could e.g. use the zeros( ) function.
For the i+j stuff, you could use two nested for-loops over the elements of A, or you could use vectorized code, etc.