MATLAB: Can someone give me the source code for imgaussfilt function.

Image Processing Toolboximgaussfiltsource code share

Since I am using matlab 2013a I don't have imgaussfilt function. I want to use that function with my current work. So I want to create that function in my matlab file. If someone can share me the source code of the imgaussfilt.m file it will be very helpful. thanks

Best Answer

IMGAUSSFILT was introduced in Image Processing Toolbox in release R2015a as called out in the item "Optimized function for Gaussian filtering" in the Release Notes. You will need to use that release or later and have Image Processing Toolbox installed in order to use that function. If you are using R2015a or later and have Image Processing Toolbox installed, that function is implemented as a MATLAB function file and so you can read the code. But no one is going to simply provide it to you and even if they did, it likely would not work without other functions in the toolbox.