MATLAB: Can someone explain “tol” for me in ismembertol(A,B,tol) to see if I could use it in this context


I am working on a project, and I came accross the ismembertol function. "x" is a 61×61 double, and I want to extract numbers closest to the values in the xline vector. Can I use ismembertol(a,b,tol) for this? Is there a better way? Maybe using logical operations? What is the "tol" part, what does it do, and how can it be applied?
%if not exact match
%lets say we are given matrices x,y, and z by the map
xline = (0.0000:0.050:3.0000);
tol = eps(0.5); %idk what I'm doing here or what the purpose of this is. I saw it as an example on MathWorks
idx2 = find(ismembertol(x,xvalues,tol));

Best Answer

ismembertol(A, B) returns an array the same size as A. Each element of the output is true if the corresponding element of A is "close enough" to an element of B. The tol input argument lets you specify what constitutes "close enough".
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