MATLAB: Can SimHydraulics do full transient analysis and not just quasi-steady state analysis

hydraulicssimSimscape Fluids

I would like to know if SimHydraulics can perform a full transient analysis.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2007a (R2007a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
SimHydraulics performs transient analysis. You may be able to use the higher-level library blocks, or you may need to build your actuators out of the lower-level library blocks. We ship numerous demonstration models which can be used as a basis for building custom blocks.
A quick overview of the capabilities and limitations of SimHydraulics follows:
SimHydraulics was specifically developed to cover modeling scenarios with hydraulic actuators as part of a control system. It is also appropriate for systems that allow consideration in lumped parameters.
SimHydraulics 1.0 (R2006a+) does not have the capability to model some types of systems:
1. Fluid transportation
2. Water supply and sewer systems
3. Distributed parameters systems
Also, the following assumption is made in SimHydraulics:
SimHydraulics is based on the assumption that fluid temperature remains constant during simulated time interval, and this temperature must be set as a parameter together with the relative amount of entrapped air.