MATLAB: Can Real-Time Workshop 6.2 (R14SP2) generate escape sequences from double quotes in data object descriptions when generating ASAP2 files

simulink coder

I have an mpt data object whose description contains double quotes. The ASAP2 file generated by Real-Time Workshop contains the following lines:
MyParam = mpt.Parameter
MyParam.Description = 'Parameter "Test-Parameter"'
Real-Time Workshop does not handle the double-quotes in any special way. Keeping them as they are leads the generated ASAP2 file to not be accepted by tools such as ETAS-INCA.
Real-Time Workshop should generate escape sequences from double quotes, thus generating the following lines:
MyParam = mpt.Parameter
MyParam.Description = 'Parameter \"Test-Parameter\"'

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2012a (R2012a).
For previous product releases the ability to generate escape sequences from double quotes for the generated ASAP2 files is not available.