MATLAB: Can pushbutton work without a function ???


Hello guys, i'm having problems with a pushbutton. I created a pushbutton inside a figure, however i cant use a nested function or another .m file to make it work. This button should work as itself. This is the code.
button1=uicontrol(gcf,'style','pushbutton','string','Save projected points','Position', [20 140 150 40],'ButtonDownFcn','1'); %pushbutton
if ((str2double(get(button1,'string'))) == 1)
disp('u did it')
however this is not working, how to call the handles of the button or mayby just detect if this was pressed???
maybe is an stupid question, but thanx anyway

Best Answer

Jules - use Callback instead of ButtonDownFcn to detect when the button has been pressed. Try something like the following
function example_gui
'Save projected points', ...
'Position', [20 140 150 40], ...
function buttonCallback(hObject,eventData)
disp('u did it')
The buttonCallback is a nested function within the main exmaple_gui code. When you run the above, and press the button, you will observe u did it written to the console.