MATLAB: Can not add box and ticks to a colorbar

3d plotcolorbarMATLABticks

Hi guys, I can not add box and ticks to my colorbar. My code is
cb = colorbar;
cb.Ticks = [13 15 17 19];
cb.TickDirection = 'out';
cb.TickLabelInterpreter = 'latex';
cb.Box = 'on';
cb.Position = [0.88 0.15 0.03 0.7];
cb.FontSize = 8;
Then I got this figure
I have tried to make the box on the changed the ticks length, but nothing happened.
If I use export_fig to output pdf files. I got:
You seem to be using axes that have overlapping/hidden graphic elements.
Setting axes.SortMethod='ChildOrder' may solve potential problems in EPS/PDF export.
But I don't understand the meaning.
The output pdf file has ticks and the box as shown:
Any idea?

Best Answer

This problem is from my AMD graphic driver.
After updating my AMD graphic driver, the problem is solved.