MATLAB: Can mexw64 files be used on 32 bit matlab


I'm trying to run a simulation with Simulink but it keeps throwing me errors of the type "Error in S-Function … does not exist". I do have the corresponding mex files and the path is appropriately set on Matlab but for some reason it's not being able to find them.
To be more specific, the files I'm talking about are .mexw64, my matlab version is 7.5 R2007b 32 bit and my windows laptop is 64 bit.
Just for the record
Should the mexw64 files be read anyways and the problem at hand is of other nature or is it indeed because my matlab version is of 32 bit? If the reason is the latter, is there something I can do to change those mexw64 files to mexw32 even though I don't have the source code or would I be better off getting the 64 bit version of matlab?
Kind regards, Rednar

Best Answer

You cannot run mexw64 code with 32-bit MATLAB. You either need to run them with a 64-bit MATLAB, or recompile the source code in your 32-bit MATLAB to produce mexw32 files. You cannot convert a mexw64 file into a mexw32 file.