MATLAB: Can MATLAB take advantage of GPUs

cudagpuParallel Computing Toolbox

I would like MATLAB to take advantage of GPUs for accelerating my compute intensive applications.

Best Answer

Starting with MATLAB 7.11 R2010b, MATLAB provides the ability to perform calculations on a graphics processing unit (GPU).
MATLAB GPU computing capabilities are available via Parallel Computing Toolbox™. The toolbox provides high-level constructs for performing computations directly from MATLAB on CUDA-capable NVIDIA GPUs (compute capability version 1.3 or higher) without low level programming in C or FORTRAN.
For more information on MATLAB GPU Computing support, refer the following webpage:
For more information on Parallel Computing Toolbox, refer to the product webpage:
Documentation for MATLAB GPU Computing capabilities is available here:
You may access the same page locally by typing the following at the MATLAB prompt: web([docroot,'/toolbox/distcomp/bsic3by.html'])