MATLAB: Can MATLAB solve a integrodifferential equation


Hi, I have checked some posts on the forum, however to no avail.
I have the given system:
syms h g x C
h = 2
g = 4
C = 1/sqrt(2.*pi)
y = ((exp(2.*g.*i.*x./h)).*(((h.^2)./2) + (g.*x)/2.*h.*i));
z = ((exp(-2.*g.*i.*x./h)).*(((h.^2)./2) + (g.*x)/2.*h.*-i));
[int(y.*z*.u, x], 0, 2.*pi)]==1
} which should solve for u. Is it feasible with some modifications?

Best Answer

u = 1/int(y*z,x,0,2*pi)
Best wishes
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