MATLAB: Can Matlab load .nitrace file format directly

.nitraceaccessing external applicationdata visualisationMATLABni - i/o traceperforming operations in an external application

I am developing an application in which i have implemented a code that reads the data from .txt file generated by NI- I/O trace using matlab.
In the above mentioned case, NI- IO trace converts .nitrace file format to .txt file format which i need to do manually. Now I need to read the data generated by NI- I/O trace directly from '.nitrace' file format. I want to know if its possible and If not possible to load the data directly using matlab, i wish to program the follwing operation of converting the .nitrace file to .txt file using matlab:
"NI I/O trace > file > export> .txt file"
any leads or approches are welcome.

Best Answer

function no_out = nitrace2txt(x)
h = actxserver('WScript.Shell');
winopen(x) %Invokes ni io trace.exe
h.SendKeys('%'); %invokes attention to io trace
pause(1); %wait
h.SendKeys('%'); %points file menu
pause(1); %wait
h.SendKeys('{DOWN}'); %opens file menu
pause(1); %wait
h.SendKeys('E'); %points export
pause(1); %wait
h.SendKeys('~'); %perform exporting
pause(1); %wait
h.SendKeys('~'); %save file in the same folder
pause(1); %wait
h.SendKeys('%{F4}'); %closes ni io trace