MATLAB: Can MATLAB duplicate cell array entries without creating cell within cells

cell arraysduplicate cell array elementsMATLAB

I'm attempting to duplicate cell array data (from 1 cell array) and place in a different cell array without creating cells within cells. I'm using the following code:
% Some cell array data
data = [ 'ALC238Tires'; 'ALC01A1RIPS'; 'ALC238Tires'; 'ALC01A1RIPS' ];
celldata = cellstr(data);
Total_Rows = [3;2;3;2];
% Duplicate the data based on the Total Rows values
for i = 1:length(Total_Rows)
Dup_Data = cell(Total_Rows(i), 1);
Dup_Data(:)= celldata(i);
output{i} = Dup_Data;
output2 = output';
This results in:
output2 =
4×1 cell array
{1×3 cell} where all 3 cells contain ALC238Tires
{1×2 cell} where both cells contain ALC01A1RIPS
{1×3 cell} where all 3 cells contain ALC238Tires
{1×2 cell} where both cells contain ALC01A1RIPS
But what I'd like is a 10 x 1 cell array of the following;
Can this be done?
Thank you.

Best Answer

Using repelem is much simpler:
data = {'ALC238Tires'; 'ALC01A1RIPS'; 'ALC238Tires'; 'ALC01A1RIPS'};
rows = [3;2;3;2];
Or using your loop output:
output2 = [output{:}].';