MATLAB: Can lab color space normalize

color spaceimage processrgb2lab

as we all know, the range of lab color space is (0.100) (L), (-127,128) (A,B). so can I normalize them into (0,1) or any other range? and does it have any influence?

Best Answer

as we all know, the range of lab color space is ...
Not really, this is a convention but like all colour encoding you can use whatever range you wish as long as you define what that range is. The (-128, 127) range was chosen because that's the range of signed 8 bit integers.
While you can use whatever range you wish for your own processing, those matlab functions that expect L*a*b* values expect them to be in the conventional range (0,100) for L* and (-128, 127) for the others. These functions will not work properly if you use a different convention.