MATLAB: Can I vectorise or make this ‘find’ double-loop run faster

findloopparallel computingparforprogrammingvectorization

Hi, Is there a possible way in which the formula that uses 'find' to update a matrix could do away with the double loops and make this calculation faster. Inputs:
1) Cmat - a 13x13 matrix,
2) Hist - a 1000x21 matrix of random numbers,
3) Chain - a 1000x22 matrix, such that Chain(:,1) contains numbers 1:13 and Chain(:,2:22) are zeros.
I run two loops to update the Chain matrix as follows:.
for i=2:size(Chain,2);
for k=1:size(Hist,1)
Chain(k,i) = find(Hist(k,i)< Cmat(Chain(k,i-1),:),1);
any suggestions are welcome.
Thanks for your inputs.

Best Answer

Assuming R2016b or later,
for i=2:size(Chain,2)
[~,Chain(:,i)] = max( Hist(:,i) < Cmat(Chain(:,i-1),:) ,[],2);