MATLAB: Can I use UDP communication between xPC Target 2.0 (R13.0.1) and a third party server where the server sends to a dynamic port number

ipNetworkpacketpacketsSimulink Real-Timetcptcp/iptcpip

I would like to use UDP communication between xPC Target 2.0 (R13.0.1) and a third party server where the server sends to a dynamic port number.
I would like to be able to send and receive UDP data to communicate between my xPC Target machine and a server. In xPC Target 2.0 (R13.0.1), it is possible to send the request from the target PC to the server by using an UDP Send block. However, the target PC cannot receive the response because the UDP Receive block requires a port number as parameter, which is unknown.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been made for Release 14 (R14). For previous product releases, try sending the assigned port number from the UDP Receive block to the server, and have the server send UDP data back to that specific port.
There are no workarounds if the server is unable to send to a specific port.