MATLAB: Can I use the Simulink model developed using the Pixhawk pilot support package in R2018a with the Embedded Coder Support Package for PX4 Autopilots in R2018b

Embedded Coder

I am using the Pixhawk support package in R2017b and R2018a. I understand this was a pilot support package in experimental phase and the official hardware support package is being released in R2018b. I downloaded the official support package in R2018b and saw that the blocks are quite different from the ones earlier supported in R2018a. I already have my own models developed using the earlier models in R2018a. How do I use my existing models with the new blocks in R2018b?

Best Answer

The Pixhawk PX4 support is a pilot support package supported till R2018a. From R2018b, the official hardware support package “Embedded Coder support package for PX4 Autopilots” is available for download. The new support package contains blocks that are not backward compatible with the blocks of the pilot support package. However, you can replace the blocks in the older models with the newer blocks and make them work in the official support package.
The table in the attached PDF can help you migrate your Simulink models developed in release R2018a and prior for use with official hardware support package in R2018b and later releases.