MATLAB: Can I use the ode45 solver for the state update in a unscented Kalman filter

unscented kalman filter

Can I use the ode45 solver for the state update in a unscented Kalman filter?
In "vdpStateFcn" using ode45 instead of Euler Integration shown in:

Best Answer

You cannot use the ode45 function directly in the above example code as it will output integrated function values for all the time points instead of a single time-step value as required here. However, you can implement single-step updates of higher order methods such as Runge-Kutta ( ) instead of the Euler method for better accuracy.
ode45 function itself uses an explicit Runge-Kutta formula, the Dormand-Prince pair (refer to the documentation page
You can find more information on other ODE integration methods related to this here
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