MATLAB: Can I use the Motorola MC9S12DT256 microcontroller board with Embedded Target for Motorola HC12

Embedded Target for Motorola HC12

The Embedded Target for Motorola HC12 supports the MC9S12DP256 microcontroller board. However, I would like to use the Motorola MC9S12DT256 microcontroller board, which is in the same product family.

Best Answer

The ability to use the Motorola MC9S12DT256 microcontroller board is not available in Embedded Target for Motorola HC12.
To work around this issue, you can use an algorithm export using Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder instead of Embedded Target for Motorola HC12. If you require further assistance with this approach, contact our consulting department through your sales representative.
The actual Embedded Target for Motorola HC12 generates the code by including the "mc9s12dp256.h" file, which corresponds to the definition of the HCS12 DP256 derivative. You should be able to use it for the DT256 derivative, as long as you do not add custom drivers for the CAN (e.g., the DP256 has 5 "mscan" modules, whereas the DT256 has only 3 modules). The only item that you need to change is the memory layout in the PRMATLAB files to fit with your platform. Refer to the documentation for more information by typing the following at the MATLAB command prompt: