MATLAB: Can i use more than 1 function in same m. file ? because i want to use multiple function for adapting frequency


i want to simulate using multiple oscillators.
following figure is showing what i want to do ..
the following code is having only one oscillator. I want to simulate using 2 or more oscillators. anyone is having idea how to do simulate with multiple oscillator ?
adaptive hopf oscillator function (instead of 1 i want to use 2 same function)
function dz = myeqd(t,y,ti,xd)
dz = zeros(3,1);
r= sqrt(y(1)^2 + y(2)^2);
dz(1)= (mu – r^2)*y(1) – y(3)*y(2) +K*F;
dz(2) = (mu – r^2)*y(2) + y(3)*y(1);
dz(3) = (-K*F) * (y(2)/sqrt(y(1)^2 + y(2)^2));
main code
Tspan= 0:0.001:20; % time vector
fi = chirp(Tspan,f0,20,f1,'quadratic');
[T,Y]=ode45(@(t,y) myeqd1(t,y,ti,fi),Tspan,[1;1;90]);
plot (T,Y(:,3));

Best Answer

  1. The attempt having myeqd1, myeqd2, myeqd3, ... and then solve them with ode45(myeqd1,...); ode45(myeqd2,...); ... etc is bad in general.
  2. At your figure the oscillators are connected. If they influence each other, you need all oscillators in one ODE.
  3. Whats the difference between Osci#1 and #2? Only mu and K?
  4. My example above only shows that possibility. If you try it, you should still use "multiple functions":
function dy = myeqd(t,y,ti,xd)
dy = zeros(size(y));
F = interp1(ti,xd,t);
dy(1:3) = Osci(y(1:3),F,0.2,100); % Osci#1, Osci(y,F,mu,K)
dy(4:6) = Osci(y(4:6),F,0.1,120); % Osci#2
function dz = Osci(z,F,mu,K)
r = sqrt(z(1)^2 + z(2)^2);
dz = [ (mu - r^2)*z(1) - z(3)*z(2) + K*F
(mu - r^2)*z(2) + z(3)*z(1)
-K*F * z(2)/r ];