MATLAB: Can I use logical indexing to find how many times a character is in a string

charcountlogical indexingMATLABstring

I was working on a problem in this MOOC course where I had to count the number of times a character was present in a text file.
While solving the problem, I used a while loop to read each line and just added the length of the array(after using strfind)
like so:
line = fgets(fid);
while ischar(line)
found_in_line = length(strfind(line,character));
sum = sum + found_in_line;
But I tried to just make a sum of a logical array using logical indexing
Like so:
found_in_line = sum(contains(line,character));
But what contains does is just return true if its found in the entire string, I even tried using contains(line(1:end),character)) but this also returns only one logical answer.
Is there a method that I am not aware of which can create a logical array of a character found in a String??
Thank you!

Best Answer

You can perform logical comparisons on a character array (they are not very different from numeric arrays):
str = 'some random text';
nnz(str=='o') % how many 'o' characters
ans = 2
Knowing how to work with arrays is a very powerful approach to using MATLAB.