MATLAB: Can I use gamultiobj optimization for a problem where the objective functions are not in terms of the decision variables


Can I use the gamultiobj optimization in matlab to solve this problem (simplified version of my problem)?
Objfuc1 = x1+x2; Objfuc2 = x1*x2;
subject to 0<=y1<=1 1<=y2<=3
where changing y1 and y2 changes x1 and x2.
[t,z] = ode45 ('RHS',time,x0) where RHS the odes integrated to get z x1 and x2 are evaluated from ode integration results: x1 = z(1).*z(2); x2 = z(1)./z(2);
Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Take a look at this example, which shows how to use an ODE solution as an objective function.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
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