MATLAB: Can I tell Matlab not to use contiguous memory


Matlab eats enormous amounts of memory and rarely or never releases it. As far as I can tell from past questions about this, it's because Matlab stores variables in contiguous physical memory blocks. As the heap becomes fragmented, Matlab asks for new memory when it wants to allocate a variable larger than the largest available contiguous fragment. MathWorks' recommended solution is "exit Matlab and restart". The only defragmentation option at present is "pack", which saves everything to disk, releases everything, and reloads variables from disk. This a) takes a while and b) only saves variables that are 2 GB or smaller.
Is there any way to tell Matlab (via startup switch or other option) to allow variables to be stored in fragmented physical memory?
The only reasons I can think of for asking for contiguous physical memory would be to reduce the number of TLB misses (for code running on CPUs) or to allow hardware acceleration from peripherals that work using DMA (such as GPUs) and that don't support mapping fragments. Like most of the other people who were complaining about this issue, I'd rather have TLB misses and give up GPU acceleration for my tasks and not run out of memory. I understand that for large problems on large machines, these features are important, but it's very strange that there's no way to turn it off.
(Even for our big machines, RAM is more scarce than CPU power or time, so "throw more RAM in the machine" is not viable past the first quarter-terabyte or so.)
Edit: Since there is apparently confusion about what I'm asking:
  • Matlab certainly stores variables in contiguous virtual memory. As far as user-mode code is concerned, an array is stored as an unbroken block.
  • Normal user-mode memory allocation does not guarantee contiguous physical memory. Pages that are mapped to contiguous virtual addresses may be scattered anywhere in RAM (or on disk).
  • Previous forum threads about Matlab's memory usage got responses stating that Matlab does ask for contiguous physical memory, requiring variables to be stored as unbroken blocks in physical RAM (pages that are adjacent in virtual address space also being adjacent in physical address space).
  • The claim in those past threads was that Matlab's requirement for contiguous physical memory was responsible for its enormous memory use under certain conditions.
  • If that is indeed the case, I wanted to know if there was a way to turn that allocation requirement off.
As of 02 April 2021, I've gotten conflicting responses about whether Matlab does this at all, and have been told that if it does do it there's no way to turn it off and/or that turning it off would do horrible things to performance. I am no longer sure that these responses were to my actual question; hence the clarification.
Edit: As of 06 April 2021, consensus appears to be that Matlab does not ask for contiguous physical memory, making this question moot.

Best Answer

Consensus appears to be that Matlab does not ask for contiguous physical memory, making this question moot.